5 Reasons You Should Know Your Personality Type (and How to Interpret Your MBTI Results)

5 Reasons You Should Know Your Personality Type (and How to Interpret Your MBTI Results) | Feather & Flint

Everyone who knows me well knows that I’m a big Myers-Briggs nerd. I bug friends, family members, and coworkers to take personality tests—usually to confirm my growing suspicion about what their personality type might be. (I’m getting pretty good at guessing.) So what’s a Myers-Briggs personality type—and why should you know yours? I’ll break down…

How I Came to Be a Writer

How I Started My Career as a Professional Writer | Feather & Flint

I was twenty-three when I found my way back to the career that I was destined for—or rather, when it found me. — When I was five, I wanted to be a part-time writer, illustrator, and paleontologist—and possibly the first female president. When I was seven, I dog-eared the pages of Phyllis Reynolds Naylor’s “How I Came…